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Hi guys!

I'm using Ubiqod for attendance tracking in our company. When you scan code, you click on the correct button (arrival, break, going home). After you submit it, the data comes to google sheet and with automation it gets to the Airtable. 

Now the problem occured. The timestamp from the google sheets it's not the same in the airtable. My guess is that this has got to do something with the different timezones. In googlesheet it's correct timestamp, in airtable it's 2 hours later.

This is timestamp from google sheet:

This is timestamp from AT:

How can I transform this date in AT so that the hour will be correct (it was supposed to be "14:07" not 16:07). 



It's likely that it's a display issue and not a data issue.  Could I confirm your date field is set to the desired timezone? 

Omg, it's that simple. This was the issue yeah. Thank you @TheTimeSavingCo !

Hi @SpelaU, Jérôme here from Skiply team (Ubiqod publisher).

(Thank you to @TheTimeSavingCo for the solution).

Do you think that a native integration of Ubiqod with Airtable could be useful? You can already use webhooks to link both systems directly, but it is always interesting to have feedback.

If it helps, here is a tutorial to connect Ubiqod to Airtable to create a timesheet with webhooks (without Google Sheets):

You can also use Make or Zapier, but the webhook system of Airtable is so good that I don't really see an interest to do so.

