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The field entries are £20.49 and £13.66 (both fields set to 2 decimal places) but in a third field when I use CONCATENATE this is what I get:

Summary: Headline £15000 pa Actual £9975 pa £20.491666666666667 £13.661111111111111

How do I get £20.49 and £13.66 ?


ps - I daresay this (sort of) question has been asked before but I have no idea what to search for.


Can you provide more information? What are the 3 field types (text, currency etc). Also show the third fields calculation.
Concatinate joins two text fields together so if I read it right you are trying to join "15000" to "9975" to make "150009975". This seems a bit odd.

Perhaps try utilizing `ROUND(value, precision)` with your formula?

Perhaps try utilizing `ROUND(value, precision)` with your formula?

Round might be the solution, thank you but to enable me to try it please let me know how i should use it for 2 decimal places in the following formula?

CONCATENATE(Description, " ", {Total sqft}, " ","at"," ","A/", R, " ", "= ", {enter sum ITZA sqft}," ", "sqft")
Incidentally the above formula works without any problem in most of the rows, as per the screeshots below:

The extra decimal places appear because you have the original formula fields set to display two decimal places, but the additional decimal places are still calculated and stored in the field values. Adam is correct in that you should use ROUND(). It is documented in the Formula Field Reference. I also recommend using ROUND() in your original formulas {Total sqft} and {enter sum ITZA sqft} versus in the CONCATENATE() formula.

Apologies but i still do not understand.

ROUND(Description, " ", {Total sqft},
" ","at"," ","A/", R, " ", "= ", {enter sum ITZA sqft}," ", "sqft", 2)
displays as Error
I am not trying as John B2 suggests 15000" to "9975" to make "150009975" but to display te text in the field 'description', its area in is the field for the area, the fraction for theat area (eg A/1 or A2/) that I have entered in the fraction field and the result which I ahave also entered in a sparat field, per this amended schreenshor:


Sorry about the spelling mistakes, nowhere to edit after posting!

Sorry about the spelling mistakes, nowhere to edit after posting!

Hi Michael, here's the relevant bit from the Formula Field Reference that kuovonne linked

Thank you. I am familiar with ROUND, having used it for calculations in a Fielemaker database.

Frankly I was hoping to be provided with the answer on a plate rather than having to work it out for myself.  Telling me about ROUND was very helpful, thank you, but I was still at a loss over what to do. However, I have persevered and am pleased to say the following works:

CONCATENATE(Description, " ", ROUND({Total sqft}, 2), " ","at"," ","A/", R, " ", "= ", ROUND({enter sum ITZA sqft}, 2), " ", "sqft")






