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I’m trying to further customize a formula (that’s already working) with additional functionality to detect when text is missing a certain element and, in such cases, to then add that element to the text in a different column, but can’t seem to get anything to work.

Specifically, I have a formula that, among other things, takes a URL from, say, Column A, and then customizes/edits that URL in Column B based on criteria from data in other columns. In this instance, Column A is a URL field and Column B is the formula field, and Column B displays updated versions of URLs from Column A.

So far the formula is working fine except I also need it to detect when a URL in Column A is missing its trailing slash ("/") and to subsequently add in that slash where it would otherwise go when the URL appears in Column B.

I also don’t think it will be as simple as merely finding/replacing instances of <.com> with <.com/>, <.org> with <.org/>, <.co> with <.co/>, etc., since some URLs in Column A will have slugs.

A small number of use cases of the URLs in Column B will require a trailing slash in the URL and, inevitably, some users will on occasion neglect to ensure a URL has a trailing slash when they input the URL into Column A.

Hi Kevin, Welcome to the forum! To check if there is a slash at the end of each URL, you could make use of the RIGHT() function:

IF(RIGHT(Column A,1) = "/",Column A,Column A & "/" )

It works like this: IF the one character furthest right is “/”, then do nothing, otherwise add a “/”

Hi Kevin, Welcome to the forum! To check if there is a slash at the end of each URL, you could make use of the RIGHT() function:

IF(RIGHT(Column A,1) = "/",Column A,Column A & "/" )

It works like this: IF the one character furthest right is “/”, then do nothing, otherwise add a “/”

Thanks for the welcome and for catching me up to speed on being able to leverage text functions I hadn’t previously used.

It wasn’t pretty working your suggestion into my preexisting formula but I stumbled upon a workaround that uses your advice and which seems to be getting the job done, so thanks.

Thanks for the welcome and for catching me up to speed on being able to leverage text functions I hadn’t previously used.

It wasn’t pretty working your suggestion into my preexisting formula but I stumbled upon a workaround that uses your advice and which seems to be getting the job done, so thanks.

Glad you were able to use it!
