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Hi all, couldn’t find this question in existing community chats so thought I’d ask y’all. I am trying to allocate different numeric values for different selections as follows.

Strength of Connection: “Very Strong” = 3

Strength of Connection: “Strong” = 2

Strength of Connection: “Weak" = 1

No entry in the Strength of Connection field = 0

Below is the formula I have, and I thought I’ve done this successfully before but its telling me there is an error.

IF({Strength of Connection}="Very Strong”,”3”,IF({Strength of Connection}="Strong”,”2”,IF({Strength of Connection}=“Weak”,”1”,”0”)))

Thanks for your help!

Hi @Joseph_Curran1,

You can use the Switch formula easier.

SWITCH(Strength of Connection,"Very Strong",3,"Strong",2,"Weak",1,"",0)


