You would then add the “&LEFT({Name},3)&YOB”. My suggestion relies on the surname being capitalized. If you had a name like “de Relion”, then you would be presented with two new problems unfortunately.
Good luck.
Hi Sally. I’m sure there’s a better way, but here is a solution to the first part of your formula.
You would then add the “&LEFT({Name},3)&YOB”. My suggestion relies on the surname being capitalized. If you had a name like “de Relion”, then you would be presented with two new problems unfortunately.
Good luck.
Thank you so much for this help.
I’ve changed all the surnames to uppercase (which is standard in genealogy so that was a great tip) and I’ve copied and pasted the formula, but it’s not working.
Here it is: NB changed ‘last name’ to Surname to fit with my system LEFT(SUBSTITUTE({Surname},"’",’’),1)&RIGHT(LEFT(LOWER(SUBSTITUTE({Surname},"’",’’)),3),2)& LEFT({Name}, 3)& YOB
Can you see where I’m going wrong?
Thank you so much for this help.
I’ve changed all the surnames to uppercase (which is standard in genealogy so that was a great tip) and I’ve copied and pasted the formula, but it’s not working.
Here it is: NB changed ‘last name’ to Surname to fit with my system LEFT(SUBSTITUTE({Surname},"’",’’),1)&RIGHT(LEFT(LOWER(SUBSTITUTE({Surname},"’",’’)),3),2)& LEFT({Name}, 3)& YOB
Can you see where I’m going wrong?
I’m pretty sure the answer lies in the quotes throughout the formula. One thing you can rarely do safely is copy/paste a formula with quotes into Airtable. I would suggest that you go replace all of the single and double quotes manually. In the SUBS function, the first quote group is a double quote around a single quote ("’"). The second is just two consecutive single quotes (’’). Let me know if that works.
Good luck!
OMG that’s perfect! Thank you so so much Augmented. Have a wonderful day :grinning_face_with_big_eyes: