I have been using this formula, and it works:
IF({Company (from Distribution Locations) (from Invoice 2)}="Key Fresh 8890",{Cost *1 (from Products 2)}, IF({Company (from Distribution Locations) (from Invoice 2)}="Marathon 16050", {Cost *4 (from Products 3)}, IF({Company (from Distribution Locations) (from Invoice 2)}="Chevron 10255", {Cost *5 (from Products 4)},IF({Company (from Distribution Locations) (from Invoice 2)}="Chevron 3251", {Cost *2 (from Products 5)}, IF({Company (from Distribution Locations) (from Invoice 2)}="Marathon 5", {Cost *2 (from Products 5)},
{Cost (from Products 2) 2})))))
Now I want to add another nested IF; however, with "and," it is not working for me.
I want to include the following: if(AND({Company (from Distribution Locations) (from Invoice 2)}="Chevron 3100",{Date (from Invoice)}<"03/19/2024"), {Cost *4 (from Products 3)}, {Cost (from Products 2) 2})
When I add this last part, it gives me an error. I tried two methods of putting this addition at the end and then trying putting it as part of a nested IF in the original, but neither works.
Would it be how I format the date? missing any syntax?