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I am experimenting with Airtable and Make, but I have a table with a Primary key which is a Formula field.

I am trying to create a record in Airtable with this primary key as a formula, but the primary key is populated with NaN value.

Isn't supposed Airtable to create this primary key even when I create a new record via Make?

edit: I added some screenshot to show that inserting a new record via Airtable API is NOT updating the formula primary key


My second problem is that Upsert from Make in Airtable is not working, it constantly replies with "NOT FOUND", but Upsert is supposed to create the record if not found.

Thank you


re: Isn't supposed Airtable to create this primary key even when I create a new record via Make?

Yeap, each record has its own key and you can view it by creating a formula field with the formula `RECORD_ID()`.

Not sure about the rest of your queries I'm afraid, hopefully someone else can help

Yes, Make does everything that you want to do.

Your formula error is coming from Airtable saying that it is not a number. You may be trying to reference an empty field.

Your upsert command is probably not setup correctly in Make.

You would need to post screenshots of your Airtable and Make setups. Also, there are many more Make experts hanging out here who may be able to help… post screenshots there as well.

There can be a bit of a learning curve with Make, which is why I created this basic navigation video for Make, along with providing the link to Make’s free training courses.

Still waiting for someone to test this...

In Airtable the plus sign (+) is for math and the ampersand (&) is for concatenating text. You are getting NaN because the formula is trying to do math with the underscore character.

Try replacing your plus signs with ampersands. 

He updated his original post to include screenshots after I had replied, which is why nobody could help him earlier or give him an answer. 

“Still waiting for someone to test this...”

@cam11 Demanding people to help you is not appropriate behavior here. Nobody here is getting paid by you, and nobody here is getting paid by Airtable. We are just fellow Airtable users like you who sometimes spend a little bit of our free time helping other people. The appropriate behavior would be gratitude. 
