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Hi everyone,

I am looking for a Formula to convert Degrees Minutes Seconds (DMS) Geographic coordinates to Decimal Degrees (DD).

Right now I have one column lwith this format : 57°34’57.8"N 6°19’30.9"W

and I will need to split in two columns to have something like that :



in order to use this mini estension : Embed Map of Airtable Records on Your Website(Embed Map of Airtable Records on Your Website - miniExtensions)

Embed Map of Airtable Records on Your Website - miniExtensions

If anyone has done this, thank you in advance !

Did the parsing part, I assume you can take it from here, just clone this base and the formulas should all be in there.

Did the parsing part, I assume you can take it from here, just clone this base and the formulas should all be in there.

Hi @Dominik_Bosnjak

Thanks a lot for your help !

Unfortunatly I can’t clone this base, I can only use the data without the formulas.

And I am not sure to get what you did.

I am trying to convert this georgraphic coordinate Field : 57°34’57.8"N 6°19’30.9"W

in two columns :

Longitude Field : 57.582722

Latitude Airtable Field : -6.325250

Thanks for having a look 🙂

I… am not at my best at 4am in the morning, apparently. I’ve just published the whole thing to the Universe, so you should be able to pull it now.

I… am not at my best at 4am in the morning, apparently. I’ve just published the whole thing to the Universe, so you should be able to pull it now.

Hi thanks 🙂

But I’m not sure if this answers my problem. It should be a convertion and not just split the georgraphic coordinate and the format should be -6.325250

Thanks anyway for your help!
