Hello! Newbie on Airtable, so I’m pretty sure this is a really daft question, but after looking through the help and this forum for about 2 hours and not finding anything, I’m now starting to wonder if my goal is even possible!
I have 2 tables:
An Authors table has name/contact details/author image fields.
A Content table, which had a load of fields, including a ‘link to another table’ field to display the ‘author name’ field from the Author table.
What I want to do is to have a field in the Content table with a tick (or yes/no or some sort of indicator - I kind of don’t care what it is!) which shows based on whether there is or isn’t an image uploaded in the ‘Author image’ field on the Author table. So kind of this (which I know isn’t actually a formula, just trying to lay out what I’m trying to achieve!):
if field ‘author image’ in table ‘author’ is not blank, then show in field ‘got author image’ in table ‘content’
Any ideas? Is it possible? Or am I trying to make it do something it’s not supposed to? Is there something other than a formula that’s needed instead??
Thanks so much in advance for any help!