Hi all, I’m working with a set of formulas for calculating a page count estimate for transcription based on length of audio recording, and then based on that page estimate, calculating a price based on a per-page and copy rate.
Here’s the formula I’m working with for the page estimate:
({Recording Length}/3600)*50
And the formula for calculating the price is:
({Page Estimate}{Job Rate})+(({Page Estimate}{Additional Copies})*{Copy Rate})
The problem I’m having is that even though the {Page Estimate} field is set to be a whole number integer and displays as such, when the {Page Estimate} field is used in the price calculation, it’s not using the rounded integer but the precise decimal amount.
For example, the page estimate is 233.666, rounded to 234 as a whole integer. But instead of calculating 234 * {Job Rate}, it’s using 233.66666 * {Job Rate}.
Thanks for any ideas to solve this!