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I’m populating my base with data from an external API and would like to update it regularly as new results come in without creating new duplicate records. I’ve read a couple of other topics that discuss that (like this one and this one), but am still struggling to figure it out.

I’m using the guri] field in the base records and trying to match them to the array of auri]s from the api. If there’s a match, the record would update, and if not, a new one would be created.

FWIW my knowledge of js is survivalist at best! Here’s what I have so far:

// The loop for each result in the API

for(let i = 0, l = data.results.length; i < l; i++) {

// ids for current records

let table = base.getTable("Observation");

let queryResult = await table.selectRecordsAsync();

const records = queryResult.records;

for(let i = 0, r = queryResult.records.length; i < r; i++) {

// grab cell value uri for reference against the api

let record = queryResult.recordsli];

let cellUri = record.getCellValue("uri");

if (cellUri && data.resultsti].uri) { // compare field and api

// update record

} else {

// create record



I’m getting way too many results for the update record function because of the double-loop, and nothing for the create record function, which means I’m probably setting this up wrong. Can anyone help me correct my code?

Thank you!

Hi @Ulu_Mills,

Something like this might work for you:

//We first put existing records' URIs into a map named existingRecords

let table = base.getTable("Observation");

let queryResult = await table.selectRecordsAsync();

let existingRecords = {};

for (let record of queryResult.records) {

let uri = record.getCellValue("uri");

existingRecords[uri] = uri;


//Then we fetch the data from the api (I have hardcoded these values here just to test, you will of course need to fetch them from your API)

let data = {

results: [{uri: ""}, {uri: ""}]


//And finally we test which URIs exist in the map we created earlier.

//If the URI exists in the map we need to update the record, other we need to create a new record.

for (let result of data.results) {

if (result.uri in existingRecords) {

console.log(`Update existing record with uri ${result.uri}`);

} else {

console.log(`Create new record with uri ${result.uri}`);



Hope this helps,



Raminder!! Thank you so so much for your help. I’m almost there! One more question:

For the update function, how do I get the record ID for the record with the uri being referenced? Building off of what you wrote:

for (let result of data.results) {

if (result.uri in existingRecords) {

let table = base.getTable("Observation"); //Do I need this?

let query = await table.selectRecordsAsync(); //Do I need this?

let records = query.records; //Do I need this?

await table.updateRecordsAsync(c


id: // What should go here? ,

fields: {

"name" :,

// etc. etc.




} else {

console.log(`Create new record with uri ${result.uri}`);



Raminder!! Thank you so so much for your help. I’m almost there! One more question:

For the update function, how do I get the record ID for the record with the uri being referenced? Building off of what you wrote:

for (let result of data.results) {

if (result.uri in existingRecords) {

let table = base.getTable("Observation"); //Do I need this?

let query = await table.selectRecordsAsync(); //Do I need this?

let records = query.records; //Do I need this?

await table.updateRecordsAsync(c


id: // What should go here? ,

fields: {

"name" :,

// etc. etc.




} else {

console.log(`Create new record with uri ${result.uri}`);


Hi @Ulu_Mills,

I’ve tweaked my script a bit like this:

//We first put existing records' URIs into a map named existingRecords

let table = base.getTable("Observation");

let queryResult = await table.selectRecordsAsync();

let existingRecords = {};

for (let record of queryResult.records) {

let uri = record.getCellValue("uri");

existingRecordsouri] = record;


//Then we fetch the data from the api (I have hardcoded these values here just to test, you will of course need to fetch them from your API)

let data = {

results: t{uri: ""}, {uri: ""}]


//And finally we test which URIs exist in the map we created earlier.

//If the URI exists in the map we need to update the record, other we need to create a new record.

for (let result of data.results) {

if (result.uri in existingRecords) {

let existingRecord = existingRecordsoresult.uri];

await table.updateRecordAsync(existingRecord, {"Status": "Done"});

console.log(`Updated existing record with uri ${result.uri}`);

} else {

let newRecordId = await table.createRecordAsync({

"Status": "Todo",

"uri": result.uri,


console.log(`Created new record with id ${newRecordId}`);



First, I have changed existingRecordsouri] = uri; to existingRecordsouri] = record;. This will ensure that when we update the record later we can access the existing record. The code to update a record is like this:

        let existingRecord = existingRecordsoresult.uri];

await table.updateRecordAsync(existingRecord, {"Status": "Done"});

Here I’m updating my Status field to a value Done. In my case the Status fields was of type Single line text. If your field is of a different type you might have to tweak this part a bit. See this page for reference.

The code to create a new record is similar:

        let newRecordId = await table.createRecordAsync({

"Status": "Todo",

"uri": result.uri,


Regarding your Do I need this? questions, you don’t need those as you can reference the table variable as I did in my script.

Good luck :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


@Raminder_Singh , you have saved me DAYS of work. Thank you so much—it works perfectly 😊
