Hi all!
I have a formula field that calculates a variety of numbers into an average and then translate them into star ratings, here:
", ROUND(AVERAGE(IF({Overall Review NUMBER not accepting 0 rating (from Reviews)}, {Overall Review NUMBER not accepting 0 rating (from Reviews)}, 0)), 0))
This works great, except when there is no star rating submitted, then the “number” is seen as NaN, and the formula spits out “#ERROR!”
Can anyone help update this formula to say: if result=“#ERROR!” then leave field blank ?
IF it really needs to be done in the number sequence calculation step, I’ll give you that info:
My formula for creating the number sequence in “Overall Review NUMBER not accepting 0 rating (from Reviews)” from above is this:
AVERAGE({Work/Life Balance}, {Pay & Benefits}, {Culture & Values})
I previously tried to turn NaN into 0, but then it factored in “0” into my average, which I don’t want because it brings the average down inappropriately. That code WAS:
ROUND(AVERAGE(IF({Pay & Benefits}, {Pay & Benefits}, 0), IF({Work/Life Balance}, {Work/Life Balance}, 0), IF({Culture & Values}, {Culture & Values}, 0)), 0)
Thanks in advance!