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Hello! I have a formula which builds record names based on the values of other columns:

{Name} & " (with " & {Secondary Name} & ") " & " - " & {Event} & "\n " & {Year} & " | " & {Room}

Result: John (with Jim) - Conference 2020 | Green Room

However if there’s nothing in “Secondary Name” it displays:

John (with ) - Conference 2020 | Green Room

How do I get it to remove the "(with ) " when there’s nothing to fill it with? The secondary names are linked to other records so unfortunately I can’t just add the brackets to the column entry instead of putting them in the formula.

Thanks in advance!

Revise your formula like the following. What you need is an IF() statement to check if the {Secondary Name} field is filled in:

{Name} & IF({Secondary Name}, " with (" & {Secondary Name} & ")") & " - " & {Event} & "\n " & {Year} & " | " & {Room}

Worked perfectly, thanks for your help!
