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Hello! I have two fields. One titled: Naming Convention Help w/ this formula:

SWITCH({Naming Convention},"Series",{Standard File Name (Series) Template},

"Movie",{Movies - Naming Convention},

"Awards & FYC",{Awards - Naming Convention},

"Free",{Free Series - Naming Convention},

"Series V2",{Series Naming Convention V2},

"Series V3",{Series Naming Convention V3},

{Standard File Name (Series) Template})

and another formula field titled Naming Convention Final:

IF(AND({Language}&"" = "en-US", {Naming Convention}="Series V3"),{Series Naming Convention V3},{Naming Convention Help})

I’m completely stumped on this one and need to reduce the number of fields in my base, any way to combined these two fields into one?

Does this work for what you need? This was created by copying the SWITCH() function and completely replacing the reference to {Naming Convention Help} in the IF() formula.


AND({Language}&"" = "en-US", {Naming Convention}="Series V3"),

{Series Naming Convention V3},

SWITCH({Naming Convention},

"Series",{Standard File Name (Series) Template},

"Movie",{Movies - Naming Convention},

"Awards & FYC",{Awards - Naming Convention},

"Free",{Free Series - Naming Convention},

"Series V2",{Series Naming Convention V2},

"Series V3",{Series Naming Convention V3},

{Standard File Name (Series) Template}



Thank you, Justin! This works wonderfully, and the team is thrilled!

