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Hi, I'm having a little trouble with a project.

I have a table called "Report" with the report names, submitted by, email address, and attachments and another table (Contact list) with a contact list with just names and emails.

My customers have to fill in a form, and this fill in the main table (report table). 

My question is, how can I check if the contact that submitted the form (submitted by) is already on the contact list? I would like to do like a checkbox, so I can link an automation to this column and send me an email with the contact information of people that have not been on the contact list.

I can't automatically add new people to the contact list, because that table is synchronized to another base.

How can I solve this problem? I thought about the function lookup, but I wasn't able to apply it. 

Thank you very much!

Hi @Sara11,
I would ask for some unique identifier as a question on the form (such as email address) to compare with an existing contact list when the form is submitted. You can set up an automation with

  • the trigger "when form is submitted"
  • a Find Records step that searches your contact list for the email address (you might need to convert this submitted email address to all lowercase using a separate formula field)
  • a conditional action that updates a checkbox field on the form submission record if the Find Records "list properties -> length" > 0

Then you can create a view based on this checkbox field and/or some notification automation as needed.

Hope that helps!

Hi @Sara11,
I would ask for some unique identifier as a question on the form (such as email address) to compare with an existing contact list when the form is submitted. You can set up an automation with

  • the trigger "when form is submitted"
  • a Find Records step that searches your contact list for the email address (you might need to convert this submitted email address to all lowercase using a separate formula field)
  • a conditional action that updates a checkbox field on the form submission record if the Find Records "list properties -> length" > 0

Then you can create a view based on this checkbox field and/or some notification automation as needed.

Hope that helps!

Hi, Thank you very much for your fast reply! I was able to apply what you suggested to me, but I think that I made a mistake, because it updates the checkbox even if there isn't in the table "contact list".

Those are some screenshots, I don't know if you are able to identify the mistake. By the way, Thank you !

Hi, Thank you very much for your fast reply! I was able to apply what you suggested to me, but I think that I made a mistake, because it updates the checkbox even if there isn't in the table "contact list".

Those are some screenshots, I don't know if you are able to identify the mistake. By the way, Thank you !

Hi, @Sara11 

In the third screenshot, there is a mistake in "Find records".
The "Find records based on" should be set to "Condition" and the same email address should be used as the condition for comparison

Hi, @Sara11 

In the third screenshot, there is a mistake in "Find records".
The "Find records based on" should be set to "Condition" and the same email address should be used as the condition for comparison

Hi Sho, Thank you for your help! How can I select the condition between 2 columns from 2 different tables? 

The dynamic condition shows me only the columns of the same table.


Never Mind, I was able to solve it, Thank you both guys!


This article about "⚙️Dynamic conditions" might be helpful.
