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I'm in the unfortunate situation that I seem to have an automation bug that creates unwanted changes to some records, but not all.

Since I cannot on my own find out which automation causes this (mailed support regarding this), I wanted to at least identify all instances. The symptom is I end up having two different contact information for the record. Unfortunately there are no identical fields to make an easy IF (!=) between, only parts of the fields are the same (basically a name, with different stuff before and after).

In Sheets/Excel this would be a VLOOKUP case, and in the automations there is 'CONTAINS' that could be used. But how could I build a formula that takes one column (in full, I was able to SUBSTITUTE it down to the exact string) and find records where the other column contains the search string?



1. Create a new table called "Lookup" or something and link it to your main data table
2. In the main data table, make the primary field the one that contains the serach string
3. Copy the full column with the exact string that you've created
4. In "Lookup", paste it into the linked field to the main data table

This should link everything up like you want

1. Create a new table called "Lookup" or something and link it to your main data table
2. In the main data table, make the primary field the one that contains the serach string
3. Copy the full column with the exact string that you've created
4. In "Lookup", paste it into the linked field to the main data table

This should link everything up like you want

Sorry not to have responded earlier. I was hoping for a quick formula solution, but apparently that is not possible.

In this instace I ended up doing manual searching.


