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Hello everyone, 

Pretty new to Airtable but I am enjoying the platform and the features it offers. 

Currently I have a table with data for when we last saw specific people. The date is being entered as February 13, 2023 for example and I am converting it to a different format for reporting purposes. I am currently using the formula:

DATETIME_FORMAT({Date of Entry},"YYYYMMDD") which outputs the date as 20230213 which is exactly what is needed. 
The problem is that there are other sections where specific people will not have dates entered so it is returning errors in the table "#ERROR!" How do I make the formula only activate when there is a date entered?

With enough trial and error I was able to figure this out myself, posting my solution here for others:

IF({Date of Program Entry},DATETIME_FORMAT({Date of Program Entry},"YYYYMMDD"))
Open to more sophisticated solutions if others have them!
