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Hi everybody,

I’d like to check if an attachement field is empty or not. Someone knows how to do this ?

Tanks a lot.


Hi @LEROY_Frederic - try this:

IF(Attachments, 'There are attachments for this record', 'No attachments for this record')


Hi @LEROY_Frederic - try this:

IF(Attachments, 'There are attachments for this record', 'No attachments for this record')


Hi Jonathan,

Thanks for the answer, but…

Don’t know why, didn’t work with my table :

Rapport is my attachement field

in my test field the formula :

if (Rapport,‘OUI’,‘NON’)

airtable says in red : Sorry, there was a problem saving this field. Invalid formula. Please check your formula text.

an idea about ?

Hi Jonathan,

Thanks for the answer, but…

Don’t know why, didn’t work with my table :

Rapport is my attachement field

in my test field the formula :

if (Rapport,‘OUI’,‘NON’)

airtable says in red : Sorry, there was a problem saving this field. Invalid formula. Please check your formula text.

an idea about ?

Do you have a space between the word “if” and the opening parenthesis?

Try pasting this formula in:

IF(Rapport, ‘OUI’, ‘NON’)

Sorry for the late answer…

Same message when pasting.

I have an idea, using airtable APP on Macintosh or Web App

Ah, no… sorry, I know what it is — it’s the smart quotes. They got both of us.

Try again - copy-paste this:

IF(Rapport, 'OUI', 'NON')

… I promise you it will work this time

Ah, no… sorry, I know what it is — it’s the smart quotes. They got both of us.

Try again - copy-paste this:

IF(Rapport, 'OUI', 'NON')

… I promise you it will work this time

Oh yes!!! Thank you very much!!

Hi All,

This formula works fine applied to a checkbox field

IF({Print copy sent}=1,“ 📗 ”)

but when I try to apply to an attachment field, it’s not working

IF({Attachments}=1,“ 📌 ”)

I tried with and without curly brackets and edited quotes, checked spaces, etc. Any idea what I might be doing wrong?

Thank you!


Hi All,

This formula works fine applied to a checkbox field

IF({Print copy sent}=1,“ 📗 ”)

but when I try to apply to an attachment field, it’s not working

IF({Attachments}=1,“ 📌 ”)

I tried with and without curly brackets and edited quotes, checked spaces, etc. Any idea what I might be doing wrong?

Thank you!


Hi @Heather_Brown - “=1” works OK with a checkbox field but not with an attachment field. For an attachment, you need to do:


Side note: this also works with a checkbox field, so, something like:

IF({Checkbox}, 'checked', 'not checked')

Marvelous! Thank you, Jonathan!
