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I have a software and I have a 30-day and paid 365-day trial plan.

I need 3 columns:
- start date
- status
30 days
365 days
when it ends (formula)

I need to do the following:

I put the start date, for example 01/01/2023
status 30 days
automatically in the column when it ends will be 02/01/2023
and if I change the status to 365 days, automatically the field when it ends changes to 01/01/2024

this is without if

I'm trying this


and i need to put another status and dates


tks to help






  AND( {quando_inicia}, {Status}),



    SWITCH( {Status},

      "free", 4,

      "30 days", 30,

      "365 days", 365 





  AND( {quando_inicia}, {Status}),



    SWITCH( {Status},

      "free", 4,

      "30 days", 30,

      "365 days", 365 




Thanks for answering @kuovonne 😎

I've renamed the columns and statuses for easier communication. Now it's all in English on my airtable.

I tried your formula and it didn't work, I tried to make an update and it still doesn't work.

my columns, bellow

my status, bellow


"test" + 2 days

"repayment period" + 7 days

"Free" + 365 days

"customer" + 365 days

"customer" this dont exchange nothing, because the customer cancel 😞, rsrs

Bellow, I exchance a little your formula. But not working 😞


AND( {first_day}, {Status1}),



SWITCH( {Status1},

"test", 2,

"repayment period", 7,

"Free", 365,

"customer", 365




Could you help 🙂






