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Ok so here's the main formula I'm trying to use for my "Monday Pay Hours" field

IF({Monday Start} = BLANK(), 0,DATETIME_DIFF({Monday End}, {Monday Start}, 'minutes'))/60-0.5
This gives me the exact hours worked, minus a half hour lunch break
It's almost perfect, but what I need is to tell it that - IF the formula all the way up to here:
 IF({Monday Start} = BLANK(), 0,DATETIME_DIFF({Monday End}, {Monday Start}, 'minutes'))/60
equals less than 5, then don't add the last step of subtracting the 0.5. 
Is this possible?

Oh, I still hadn't answered your previous question.

How about a formula like this?


AND({Monday Start},{Monday End}),


DATETIME_DIFF({Monday End}, {Monday Start}, 'minutes')/60 >= 5,

DATETIME_DIFF({Monday End}, {Monday Start}, 'minutes')/60 - 0.5,

DATETIME_DIFF({Monday End}, {Monday Start}, 'minutes')/60





Oh, I still hadn't answered your previous question.

How about a formula like this?


AND({Monday Start},{Monday End}),


DATETIME_DIFF({Monday End}, {Monday Start}, 'minutes')/60 >= 5,

DATETIME_DIFF({Monday End}, {Monday Start}, 'minutes')/60 - 0.5,

DATETIME_DIFF({Monday End}, {Monday Start}, 'minutes')/60





@Sho Thank you SO much!!! This worked like a charm! I don't entirely understand it, but it works!

I've been tearing my hair out trying to solve this one for days. Nailed it!
