Sep 14, 2020 02:40 AM
Im looking to do simple warehouse management with Airtable
Sheet 1: scan incoming barcode + date
Sheet 2: scan outgoing barcode + date
Sheet 3: how to display barcodes that are in the warehouse (show only rows with barcode that are not in sheet 2)
And is there a way to make barcode field unique? So that same barcode cannot create a new row?
Sep 15, 2020 10:15 AM
And is there a way to make barcode field unique? So that same barcode cannot create a new row?
Not that I’m aware of. Would love this feature. In the meantime, I’d recommend you use the summary bar for the barcode field, and set it ‘Percent Unique.’ If that number ever drops below 100%, then you’ve added a duplicate barcode.
Sheet 1: scan incoming barcode + date
Sheet 2: scan outgoing barcode + date
This smells like a database design mistake. I’d recommend hosting all barcode data in the same table, then just have separate date fields for incoming vs outgoing. That way you won’t be listing barcodes twice. And you can use views to display whatever fields are relevant to each task. So you could have a view for incoming and a view for outgoing, for example, with whatever fields are irrelevant hidden.
Sheet 3: how to display barcodes that are in the warehouse (show only rows with barcode that are not in sheet 2)
But if my thoughts aren’t doing it for you, and the above is a must have, then a script could be used to compare the table and filter or report back results.
Sep 15, 2020 12:00 PM
It’ll require a different setup than you’re using, but I made a base that helps keep track of records as they go “out” and “in” of a system. “Assets” are linked to a “Log” table which tells when a particular record was scanned out, and then back in.
The base also uses a Custom App I made which is useful, but not mandatory for the base above to function. The code for the app (and a short walkthrough video) can be found here: