The problem is how to use the value of an entry in one table as a parameter for further calculations in other tables.
Table "Settings"
The Settings table has either (A) a separate record for each parameter, or (B) one record in which several parameters are stored (as separate columns). This is not essential, but the (B) option is better. I need one single select field with "EN", "ES", and "PL" values.
Table "Translations"
The following table contains translations into different languages: English, Spanish, and Polish of some fields. Let's call it Class, Item, Description. So here are the columns:
EN_Class, EN_Item, EN_Description, ES_Class, ES_Item, ES_Description, PL_Class, PL_Item, PL_Description.
Table "Base"
And the 3rd table Base where the fields Class, Item, and Description contain values from Table "Translations" depending on which language is selected in the settings.
Also, I think that storing languages in this way is not the best solution. Would be happy to get any help with this.
Link to the table