Can someone help me with writing if statemtent for my blank ‘deadline dates’, if there is a no date, I want my ‘Time Left Helper’ to say ‘On Going’ deadline rather than error. ‘Days’ is my countdown field, so i think I need to say if deadline date is blank then “on going” else, countdown days.
Then I’m not sure how to transfer this part to the Time Left Helper?
Maybe best to leave it to appear as blank and if blank then the time left helper writes ‘ongoing’
i am not sure…
Days formula:
(WORKDAY_DIFF(NOW(),{Deadline Date})-1)
Time Helper formula:
IF(Status = "Complete", "✅", IF(Days = 0, "Due today ⏰", (ABS(Days) - (2*(Days < 0))) & IF(Days > 0, " days left ⏳", " days overdue 💥")))
