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Hello everyone, 

I would like to create a form where people can add their event dates (event begin at 1st January 2023 and end at 2nd January 2023) and prevent the possibility of the end date to be before the start date (event begins at 1st January 2023 and end at 31 december 2022).

To sum up I would like people to not have the possibility to make mistakes with their event dates.

Thanks for your answers ! 

You could put a formula field in your table that subtracts the end date from the begin date.  Then, wrap it in an IF statement to return a value:
IF({enddate}-{begindate}<0,"","END DATE IS PRIOR TO BEGIN DATE")
You can put this field into the form and show the field only when a condition is met (If formula field = "END DATE IS PRIOR TO BEGIN DATE").  
This will alert the client to choose another end date.
If you would like to discuss this or another issue, feel free to schedule some time with me via my Calendly link:

Alternatively, you can use an automation that will trigger when a record matches a condition (Begin Date is not empty).  You can set the action to update the End Date field with the data that was entered into the Begin Date field.
