@Darcie_Tanner1 you may be able to do this using the Duration field. They would have to enter in hours and minutes, not as a decimal. In other words, an hour and a half they would enter as 1:30, not 1.5. These are easy to roll up in totals as well:

@Darcie_Tanner1 you may be able to do this using the Duration field. They would have to enter in hours and minutes, not as a decimal. In other words, an hour and a half they would enter as 1:30, not 1.5. These are easy to roll up in totals as well:

Thanks @Ron_Daniel. I think I was trying to work out the most efficient way to type it, so a decimal vs a colon - but maybe I’m using my habits too much as a standard approach.
just thinking if they have to do many of these a day it might be cumbersome, but that’s using a keyboard with a keypad. Most will probably be on laptops & mobile, so may not be an issue as much.
Thanks @Ron_Daniel. I think I was trying to work out the most efficient way to type it, so a decimal vs a colon - but maybe I’m using my habits too much as a standard approach.
just thinking if they have to do many of these a day it might be cumbersome, but that’s using a keyboard with a keypad. Most will probably be on laptops & mobile, so may not be an issue as much.
Hm, if it's just about display you could use this:
ROUNDDOWN(Number, 0) > 0,
ROUNDDOWN(Number, 0) & "hr "
) &
MOD(Number * 60, 60) &
" mins"
Resulting in:

And you could then rollup on "Number" with the same formula setup, ending up with:

Link to base
Hm, if it's just about display you could use this:
ROUNDDOWN(Number, 0) > 0,
ROUNDDOWN(Number, 0) & "hr "
) &
MOD(Number * 60, 60) &
" mins"
Resulting in:

And you could then rollup on "Number" with the same formula setup, ending up with:

Link to base
Ooooh - interesting - thank you!