I’m trying to figure out this formula, which I based on a different formula that I got to work successfully, but am hitting a wall.
Basically, I want the formula to reference 4 date fields (Edit Start, Format Start, Production Date/Time, and Ship Date).
If there are values in any of those fields, I want it to return, as a string, the date, and either "Edit Start: ", "Format Start: ", "Production Start: ", and/or "Ship Date: " ahead of each date, as applicable.
So, a full string with all dates filled in should look like: Edit Start: XX/XX/XX; Format Start: XX/XX/XX; Production Start: XX/XX/XX; Ship Date: XX/XX/XX
However, one or more of these date fields may be empty at any given time, so I want the text string to adjust accordingly and not show the lead-in if the corresponding date field is empty.
Here’s my attempt, which won’t compute.
“Edit Start: ” & DATETIME_FORMAT({Edit Start}, ‘L’ ) & IF(AND({Edit Start}, OR({Format Start}, {Production Date/Time}, {Ship Date})), "; ")
& “Format Start: ” & DATETIME_FORMAT({Format Start}, ‘L’ ) & IF(AND({Format Start}, OR({Production Date/Time}, {Ship Date})), "; ")
& “Production Start: ” & DATETIME_FORMAT({Production Date/Time}, ‘L’ ) & {Production Date/Time} & IF(AND({Ship Date})), "; ")
& (“Ship Date:” & DATETIME_FORMAT({Ship Date}, ‘L’ )))
Thank you in advance!