Hi all,
My goal is to display in Field 2 the first occurring month (in a year) based on the pulled months from Field 1 (lookup field).
Rather than using date formulas (tables are a little more complicated), I’m trying to create a formula to capture with strings:
IF(FIND("January",{Field 1})>1, "January,",IF(FIND("February",{Field 1})>1,"February,",IF(FIND("March",{Field 1})>1, "March,",IF(FIND("April",{Field 1})>1, "April,"))))
However as you can see from the screenshot, my formula is outputting the farthest right month in the lookup field - first record is showing March when it should be February. My initial design was to use the nested IF formula to work chronologically… but doesn’t seem to be working as I intended.
For this example I’m only using four months of the year, but will build out the formula with the remaining 8 once I figure this out.
Any help appreciated!