I would like to parse a date string of "2023-02-10", with no time information, into a specific timezone (Europe/Malta). We use daylight savings, so right now, 2023-02-10 00:00 Malta time would be 2023-02-09 22:00 GMT. For this reason, I cannot specifically add a timezone of +2 because this will chagne to +1 later in October.
I noticed DATETIME_PARSE() takes a locale as the 3rd parameter. However, this does not seem to be documented at all in the formula reference. I've tried using values like "Europe/Malta", which works in SET_TIMEZONE(), but doesn't do anything. I've also experimented with SET_TIMEZONE(), but that seems the other way round, to convert an existing Airtable date with a particular timezone.
Basically, what I would like is something where for example could parse "2023-02-10" into the Malta timezone.