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I have a base with two tables: Employees and Projects.

Employees has a primary field of Employee ID and Project IDs.

Projects has a primary field of Project ID, Project Manager(s), and Status.

In the Employees table I want the field "Project IDs" to be automatically populated with the corresponding Project ID from the Projects table when the Employee ID matches any names in the Project Manager(s) and when Status is not "Completed".

Sounds like it should be simple. But I can't seem to figure it out. Thanks for any assistance!


You should choose the best way to link these 2 tables. It depends on your workflow.
If you make Project managers linked field, in Employees table you will get backlink field "Link to Projects", where you can add lookup with any desirable built-in filter (in you case, it may be "Incompleted Projects")

The ideal method to connect these two tables should be your choice. Your workflow will determine this.
The Employees table will have a backlink field called "Link to Projects" if you create a linked field for project managers. Here, you may add a lookup with any desired built-in filter (in your example, "Incompleted Projects").

Does this look right?

Link to base

hey! made a quick Loom to share my understanding of the question and try to help with some thoughts.

It is possible using script, but you're probably looking at it wrong. 
Why do you have an Employee Name field in Projects table? Change it to a linked record field to Employees table.
There are no visible 'Primary' field in Airtable. Move your name fields to be the FIRST field in both the tables. The primary key is auto assigned and is visible using a recordid() formula.
