Hi Guys,
I am working on a formula/solution that gives me the result from a specific field. Maybe you can help me.
So my first field is a single select field with the following possible selections:
-“Lookup 1 selector”
-“Lookup 2 selector”
-“Lookup 3 selector”
This is then followed by multiple lookup fields that look up data from different tables:
Lookup 1, Lookup 2, Lookup 3, etc.
I now want to create an additional final result field that contains the value of the Lookup field that has been selected with the selector.
And to make it more complicated: I am trying to avoid a long IF() formula because I might be adding more columns and selectors at a later stage. The goal is that I do not have to touch the formula of the final result field ever again. If I do have to touch it again, it should be a simple one like a sum or multiplication without any nestling.
Do you have any good ideas how to do it? Thank you in advance!