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Hi everyone, So glad to join the community. I’m new to Airtable and been trying to get this work for the last 3 days, but I’m hopeless right now. 😔

So I have this “Overdue” column which shows it when the date is past 1.5 days from “Last Catchup”.

Formula: IF(DATETIME_DIFF(TODAY(),{Last Catchup},‘days’)>1.5,“Overdue”)

I have 2 more fields that need to be added to this:

  1. Engagement (Single Select Field)

  2. Tag (Single Select Field)

What it needs to do:

  1. I need to show the overdue after 2 days when “Engagement” field is set to “Couldn’t Connect”

  2. Overdue after 3 days when the “Engagement” field is set to “Guest Unresponsive”


Need to hide the Overdue when:

The “Tag” field is set to “Confirmed” or “Lead Dropped”

Any help would be really appreciated. 🙂 I tried a few things, but in the end, it shows an error in the formula.

Hello and welcome @Prashant_T!

Based on your description I believe the below formula should do what you are looking to do:


OR({Tag} !="Confirmed", {Tag} != "Lead Dropped"),



DATETIME_DIFF(TODAY(),{Last Catchup},‘days’)>1.5,


Engagement = "Couldn’t Connect",

DATETIME_DIFF(TODAY(),{Last Catchup},‘days’) > 2



Engagement = "Guest Unresponsive",

DATETIME_DIFF(TODAY(),{Last Catchup},‘days’) > 3


), "Overdue"




It might need a little tweaking but it should give you the basic structure for the functionality you are looking for. Please let me know if you have any questions about how I wrote this formula- or if I can help tweak it to where it needs to be! ✨
