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Trying to accomplish this simple formula but it results in an error???
Using a Single Select Field and a Currency Field.

{Toe Kick LI} * {Toe Kick Cost Per LI}

 Thanks in advanced for your assistance!

You need to convert the single select to a numeric value.  I believe (Value(Toe Kick LI)) * (Toe Kick Cost Per LI) should work.


@BillH is right. Airtable sees single select options as objects containing text in this case and is having trouble inferring that this text should be converted to a number when multiplied/divided (it works fine with + or -). IMO this is a bug (great catch!).

This formula will work:

VALUE({Toe Kick LI}) * {Toe Kick Cost Per LI}

You need to convert the single select to a numeric value.  I believe (Value(Toe Kick LI)) * (Toe Kick Cost Per LI) should work.


Perfect!  Thank you! 
