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Hello all, thank you so much for taking the time to read this, any help would be appreciated

I have a question with regards to a topic that Gareth covered in is "“Allocating Resources with a Timeline View”.

His demonstration is great, however the utilization field in the timeline only links to a single record, which is fine if you only take 1 day off at a time. My records need to have both a start and end, some up to a week apart.

My question, is there a formula, or other method that will allow to be take both of these dates and consolidate all of the dates in between into a single cell? As this seems to be the only way for the timeline to recognize all of my holidays

If there is a better solution for me to do this then any help is appreciated, but essentially the end goal is to find a way to combined projects and holiday data (2 dates) onto one timeline

Thanks !

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