Jun 27, 2022 09:08 AM
I have a To-Do List sorted by department with the estimated time to complete each task in a daily view.
I want to surface the time left to complete tasks marked in progress, not started, pending.
Is there an easy trick I’m missing?
Jun 27, 2022 10:21 AM
Hi @John_White1
I think you can do this with a few formulas
Here is my Due Date formula, this looks to see if the Due Date is a weekday and if not assigns the next available weekday:
WORKDAY(DATEADD({Assigned Date}, {Days to complete}, 'days'), 1)
And the Days remaining formula:
IF(OR(Status="In Progress", Status="Not Started", Status="Pending"), DATETIME_DIFF({Due Date}, {Assigned Date}, 'days'), 'Complete')
Jun 27, 2022 11:00 AM
Fantastic formulas! Thanks for this.