Hi. I have an IF formula that should result in a number (except for one particular case). I need the result to be treated as a number and not text, so I can count the values, etc. I’ve set the results as a number with no “”, and tried formatting as an integer, but it still doesn’t work.
Any workaround for this?
Here is the formula:
IF({Festivo especial}=1,“NEGOCIAR!”,IF(AND({< 7AM}=“SI”,{+12h}=“SI”),50,IF({FM Trabajo}=1,40,IF(OR({+12h}=“SI”,{Fin de semana}=“SI”,{Festivo}=1),30,IF(OR({< 7AM}=“SI”,{FM Viaje/Descanso}=1),20)))))
This is the table: (the field to look at is “Importe”)
Here is an example where you can see it doesn’t SUM the values:
I hope somebody can give me a hint. Thanks!