Hi Community,
I’m having trouble creating a nested if statement, where the condition is to identify two options from the field “Financial End Year Date” (single select field), and return two different values (for ‘December 31’ data - return ‘8/15/2022’, and for ‘March 31’ data - return ‘11/15/2022’, and if neither, return ‘4/30/2022’.
The nested if formula I created and tried is as below:
- IF({Financial End Year Date}=“December 31”,“8/15”&"/"&YEAR(NOW()),{Financial End Year Date}=“March 31”,“11/15”&"/"&YEAR(NOW()),“4/30”&"/"&YEAR(NOW()))
When I run this formula, the field shows either “8/15/2022” or “true”, where the “true” should instead be “11/15/2022”. For the ‘neither’ options, it returns a blank cell.
What’s more confusing is, after I save the formula and click the configuration again, the formula is automatically corrected to below:
- IF({Financial End Year Date}=“December 31”,“8/15”&"/"&YEAR(NOW()),{Financial End Year Date}=“March 31”)
Could anyone help troubleshoot and fix this nested if formala please? Thank you!