I want to combine multiple IF statements from data in two columns and return a TRUE or FALSE result.
The two columns/data I am using are:
- User Subscription Level (Basic, Pro, Premium)
- Total Requests (Sum of values from multiple fields)
What I've tried to do so far seems to not be working very well and I am a complete novice when it comes to Airtable formulas.
= "price_1NZdQ5C8Jx0D8bOIPFa8Nlto",
{Total Requests}<"8"),
"Limit Not Reached",
{Total Requests}>="25"
"Limit Not Reached 2",
"Limit Not Reached 3",
"Limit Reached"
Ultimately what I'm trying to do is check the user's subscription level and the number of requests they've submitted and evaluate if they are at their limit or under their limit.
I'm not sure if I'm fully grasping how the logic is supposed to flow and I am also thinking that because the subscription is different for each statement that might be throwing me off for how I should organize the logical statements?
Any direction would be really great as I'm trying to learn as I go.