Thanks in advance for your help here! I have created a formula field that has nested IF statements that multiplies a Currency field by either a 12, or a 4, depending if the payment is monthly or quarterly. The result displayed is numerically correct, but when I try to format the number shown, the Formatting tab in the Customize Field Type dialog displays, “Your result type is not a number or a date. Formatting options are currently only available if your result type is a number or a date.” The greater issue for me here, beyond the formatting, is not being able to sum or do other calculations on the field.
IF({Payment frequency}=“Monthly”,{Price AUD}*12,IF({Payment frequency}=“Quarterly”,{Price AUD}*4,IF({Payment frequency}=“Annually”,{Price AUD},"")))
It doesn’t make sense to me that the calculation works fine, but the returned result is, it seems, considered to be text, not a number?
Thanks in advance for your insights everyone!