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Hi everyone,

I’m trying to use formular HOUR()to display my Time as a number. But I keep getting wrong result.

Normally, if the time is 18:30, the number from HOUR() should be 18, but I get 9.0.

Could someone help me to have a look if my formular is wrong?


Welcome to the community, @Hans_Yu!

This is a time zone issue. For your “Finish Time” field, you will probably want to turn on the formatting option to show the same time (GMT) for all users.

For a more advanced deep dive into time zones, you can check out my training video & sample base located at either of these 2 locations:

Welcome to the community, @Hans_Yu!

This is a time zone issue. For your “Finish Time” field, you will probably want to turn on the formatting option to show the same time (GMT) for all users.

For a more advanced deep dive into time zones, you can check out my training video & sample base located at either of these 2 locations:

This helped a lot! Thanks! 🙂
