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Hi all

I have an orders table, an order line items table and a products table.

In interface, i want my staff to make orders using the products table where they 'add product to new or existing order'.

So when they click on the product this should bring up order line items form to add quantity, sell price etc of selected product and then either create new order (parent table of order line items) or link to existing order (order ID, vendor, consignee etc)

Any ideas? 

Thank you!

Are they paid seat members?  If so, I'd suggest creating a Record Review layout where they can add/edit Orders, and add Order Line Items that are linked directly to said Order

If not, I reckon your best bet's using Fillout instead as that'll let you create new linked records on the fly via a form, something that the Airtable forms doesn't let you do at this point
