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Hi All,

I am new to Airtbale and I have an interface designer question. I have a database that lists products that I use within my field of work. I create various product groups for different product categories by filtering and creating grid view for each category. Once the grid views are created I create a record interface to display these products and share it with my clients.

Now here's the question, when I create the interface, is there any way that I can show a numbered list for each record? For example, if there are 100 products within the database and I create an interface to create Category 1 with 10 products, I would like them to be numbered 1 through to 10 and then Category 2 may have 12 products and I would like them to be numbered 1-12. 

Basically, I would like to point to each of the records in the interface and be able to explain to my clients each product using this numbering system.

Any help is greatly appreciated!


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