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I'm trying to implement parts of Airtable's Project Management Template into a Project Management system for my organization. In the Getting Started section, it describes the "My Tasks" page as "a summary of the current user's work". I love that my team members will be able to quickly go to that page and see a summary detail of their current tasks. However - I can't figure out how to "auto-filter" the page.

In the template it's set up as a page/group filter: Where {Assignee} contains "Malik Johnson". I know this is just an example filter in the template, but if I were to type a specific name in that filter, it would only show that person's tasks, regardless of which person is on the My Tasks page. Am I missing something? Is there a way to set up the filter as "assignee matches current user"?

Hey @Abbey_Matye!

I didn't go through the specifics of the template. However:

(a) If the Assignee field is a "user" type field, you would apply the filter as shown on the image below, where [assignee field] has any of current user.

(b) If the template has some sort of Staff/Users table, where each record (meaning each person) has a "user" type field, you can have a lookup at the tasks level (lookup from the assignee field which links to the Staff/User table), to bring the actual user of the Assignee, and apply the following pre-set filter. -see image, where [lookup field] has any of current user.

Hope this helps! Otherwise, feel free to provide some screenshots.

Mike, Consultant @ Automatic Nation

Hey @Abbey_Matye!

I didn't go through the specifics of the template. However:

(a) If the Assignee field is a "user" type field, you would apply the filter as shown on the image below, where [assignee field] has any of current user.

(b) If the template has some sort of Staff/Users table, where each record (meaning each person) has a "user" type field, you can have a lookup at the tasks level (lookup from the assignee field which links to the Staff/User table), to bring the actual user of the Assignee, and apply the following pre-set filter. -see image, where [lookup field] has any of current user.

Hope this helps! Otherwise, feel free to provide some screenshots.

Mike, Consultant @ Automatic Nation

Ah, adding a user field was what was missing. Thank you!
