Does this look about right?

Link to base
Does this look about right?

Link to base
Unfortunately, I'm unable to open the link.
This site can’t be reached
Check if there is a typo in avg.%20sales%20by%20date,%20problem%20with%20timeframes.
Unfortunately, I'm unable to open the link.
This site can’t be reached
Check if there is a typo in avg.%20sales%20by%20date,%20problem%20with%20timeframes.
Ah, sorry about that, I've fixed the link in my previous post
Ah, sorry about that, I've fixed the link in my previous post
Thank you for your reaction.
Basically yes. That would work for me.
But how to switch my list of cars to the "Date" list with SUMS of specific records of my choice?
Ah, sorry about that, I've fixed the link in my previous post
You see, I'm able to filter how many machines I have sold in total, but I don't know how to make an "Avg. monthly sales" field that would divide the total sales by the number of months that passed by.
You see, I'm able to filter how many machines I have sold in total, but I don't know how to make an "Avg. monthly sales" field that would divide the total sales by the number of months that passed by.
re: But how to switch my list of cars to the "Date" list with SUMS of specific records of my choice?
Hm, sorry, I don't understand the question. Could you rephrase it please?
re: You see, I'm able to filter how many machines I have sold in total, but I don't know how to make an "Avg. monthly sales" field that would divide the total sales by the number of months that passed by.
Yeah, we're going to need a table where each record represents a single month's sales for a single car, and the Interface would display the data from that table