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Basic interface page is a grid, listing parents. I can open a parent record in detail view and see all the rec’s info there, including linked children. So far so good.

What I want to do at this point is click on the pill representing a linked child (on the parent’s detail view) and open a detail view for the CHILD. You can do this in classic Airtable: Seems like this OUGHT to be possible because, when I select the Linked Children field on the parent detail page, the options panel on the right offers a toggle that is labeled “Allow users to open record details”. But I cannot get it to toggle ON. Does this not work? What am I missing?


Looks like @HT_Jensen has the same question. Anybody know the answer? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

I have played with this a bit more and realized that it is working for me in some of my interfaces, but not in others. I cannot see any difference between the two interfaces that would explain this.

I have played with this a bit more and realized that it is working for me in some of my interfaces, but not in others. I cannot see any difference between the two interfaces that would explain this.

I’m having a similar issue. When I click the + sign within the pill section to add a new child record, it used to have an option to create new record right there. It was an essential part of our work flow and I cannot figure out how to get it back. It works fine in the database, just not in the interface.

Totally agree.  This used to work and now doesn't...critical piece of workflows.  Please help ASAP.

I had a similar problem.  Three tables each with their own interfaces in one base.  I could open the details on two of the interfaces, but not the third.  Adding another grid and deleting the old one fixed the problem for me.
