Jan 22, 2025 07:14 AM
I have a single base with a single table, that we use to track a large number of to-dos that we then assign to a handful of different users. There is a "boss" who has access to an interface that has a view that can see all of their tasks that he has assigned out (Master Interface). He will go through and leave comments from the Master Interface interface within the record, and tag the individuals so they are notified via email.
We have separate interfaces so that individuals can only see the tasks assign to them, but when they are trying to open the link notifying them of their comment, it is trying to bring them to an interface they don't have access to (the Master Sheet).
Can someone please help me figure out a way to use this functionality the best that will keep the following true:
- Each individual can only see the items assigned to them
- They will be notified of comments they are tagged in via email
- Clicking the link the in the email will bring them to the correct record in an interface they are able to view.
Or if this is not possible how I have it set up, offer some other options to adjust my workflow 🙂
Jan 23, 2025 05:24 AM
You can set up a filter to show only the tasks assigned to a person.
Basically when the boss drops a comment in the Master Interface and tags someone, you will want to make sure the notification link sends them straight to their filtered view
Jan 23, 2025 06:00 AM
Yeah, I know that this is the steps I have to take, currently setting up a Make.com flow to have that happen. Sad that Airtable's native notifications via email don't do that.
Jan 23, 2025 06:02 AM
The responses above will not work, because the comment notification system is not controlled through automations… it is controlled by Airtable.
Unfortunately, @mdlandheer, what you’re looking for is not possible at this time. I would send an email to support@airtable.com to request that they give us more control over the comment notification system.
You would need to come up with a completely different method of notifying people.
One quick solution would be to have the boss comment from an interface that everyone has access to.
Another workaround would be to create your own comments infrastructure by creating a comments table that is linked to your tasks, and have people add comments to that comments table instead (and they could tag the users they want to alert in a User field). Then, you can use automations to send the notification email, which allows you to control which interface page link gets put into the email notification.
Hope this helps! If you’d like to hire an expert Airtable consultant to help you with anything Airtable-related, please feel free to contact me through my website: Airtable consultant — ScottWorld
Jan 25, 2025 07:09 PM
Bit of a weird workaround, but I solved this by creating a new 'User' type field and making the default option the boss:
And so every new Task that's created would have a field that's linked to the boss, and we could separately link each individual in the 'Assignee' field. This then lets us create a filter like this:
And so if an individual was looking at this Interface, they'd only see their own tasks, and if the boss was looking at it they'd see everything
This way you only have one Interface instead of one per individual too, so should be less effort to maintain I reckon
Jan 25, 2025 07:22 PM
Yes, that’s the solution I was talking about above when I said:
”One quick solution would be to have the boss comment from an interface that everyone has access to.”
- ScottWorld, Expert Airtable Consultant