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I’m curious if there are any plans to add conditionally shown fields to Interfaces, similar to what is possible in form view?

For example, if you’re tracking network outages you might use one field to specify that the cause is a power outage, in which case you would want other fields to appear that let you specify when the power outage started and ended (so you can track UPS runtime when the power goes out, and site recovery time when it comes back.)

I have this exact question.

Same – This would be a very useful feature for designing. It would also be especially useful in being able to “group” elements and toggle the whole group conditionally.

E.g. if status is A show Group A, if status is B show group B (where each group has things besides fields – Such as text boxes

Same here !

Would be nice to specify via a filter, which fields are visible. We have lots of products (6.000+) in different categories. Each category has it's own small subset of meaningful fields to manage.

At the moment, I have to use interface-page for each category. We have about 15-20 categories. Would be great to have only one interface page with conditionally showing the fields, which match a filter criteria (by category in our scenario).

Same here !

Would be nice to specify via a filter, which fields are visible. We have lots of products (6.000+) in different categories. Each category has it's own small subset of meaningful fields to manage.

At the moment, I have to use interface-page for each category. We have about 15-20 categories. Would be great to have only one interface page with conditionally showing the fields, which match a filter criteria (by category in our scenario).

This is my same situation. Conditionally shown fields is crucial to interface success. I'm trying to design a portal where user ONLY interact with interfaces. Already, column view is useless with this many fields.



Same here, really need to adjust my forms into interfaces, much more easy for the team to answer.... but really need to use the conditionnal option to make it work !

I am eagerly waiting for this as well. +1!!!!!

Yes please! This would be super handy. I tried to get it right in forms but couldn't do it all there. This would be a great alternative.

My team DESPERATELY needs a feature like this! +1

Me three! Defo need this and need this yesterday. Building new stuff and cannot face the thought of having to do it without being able to use conditional logic on the interface 😞


Absolutely. It seems insane to have to choose from the very limited formatting of a Form, but with the ability to have conditional fields, or the much richer formatting of an Interface, but no conditional fields. Frustrating!

Please incorporate this. Otherwise, I'll need to continue with Gravity Forms, which is insane as in my scenario they just feed an Airtable database!

Begging for this.

Happily this seems to be a thing, now, although it's not perfect. I haven't seen it announced anywhere and I'm hopeful they'll sort out of of the weird restrictions on what fields you can base your condition on. Also at the moment it seems limited to record creation interfaces. I'd love to see it applicable everywhere!


Happily this seems to be a thing, now, although it's not perfect. I haven't seen it announced anywhere and I'm hopeful they'll sort out of of the weird restrictions on what fields you can base your condition on. Also at the moment it seems limited to record creation interfaces. I'd love to see it applicable everywhere!


Thanks for posting @Sean_Murphy1 I would never have noticed (not for a while at least!) if you hadn't.  This is indeed progress. Hopefully it will expand to all interfaces but i will take this for now!


I feel like a good old fashioned bump of this thread is just what's needed. Praying we will one day have conditional fields in Interfaces. 

Well rejoice, because the feature is here! 

[edit] Apologies, that link must've snuck into my clipboard without me realizing. Of course it is not the correct link. Sorry for the confusion. The correct link is here
it's a little buried, but look for 'Visibility' under 'Adding, reordering, removing, and customizing fields' and 'Using groups in record detail pages' under 'Configure the group properties on the right side:' ... does airtable hate anchor tags or something? 😅

I haven't had a chance to use it heavily yet, but if this had been there when I started designing my interfaces, I'd have a lot fewer interfaces.

[edit] I have been using it heavily in a way I hope is compatible with future development. That is, I now simply have a 'workflow step' column and I only show groups that are relevant to that step in the workflow. It results in some pretty clunky looking pages in 'edit' mode, but it's a small price to pay to be able to clearly define workflow steps and have the interface adjust appropriately for users.

Well rejoice, because the feature is here! 

[edit] Apologies, that link must've snuck into my clipboard without me realizing. Of course it is not the correct link. Sorry for the confusion. The correct link is here
it's a little buried, but look for 'Visibility' under 'Adding, reordering, removing, and customizing fields' and 'Using groups in record detail pages' under 'Configure the group properties on the right side:' ... does airtable hate anchor tags or something? 😅

I haven't had a chance to use it heavily yet, but if this had been there when I started designing my interfaces, I'd have a lot fewer interfaces.

[edit] I have been using it heavily in a way I hope is compatible with future development. That is, I now simply have a 'workflow step' column and I only show groups that are relevant to that step in the workflow. It results in some pretty clunky looking pages in 'edit' mode, but it's a small price to pay to be able to clearly define workflow steps and have the interface adjust appropriately for users.

This response does not actually fully answer the original question. 

The original question is about whether fields can be made conditionally visible in the interface, but the solution offered only applies to "record detail" pop-outs:

"Field Visibility - In the Rules section of a field’s properties, builders can click the cogwheel icon to set up conditions for when to show a field on the record details page."

These record-detail pop-outs are only available for linked fields to show the detail about a linked record from another table. This option does not apply to any other field types and not in the original interface view itself, only these pop-out record detail windows.

I'm still wondering if Airtable has a response to this question?
