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Hi everyone – i saw some folks ask this questions but have not seen an answer as of Q2 2022. Is there a way to embed interfaces into another web app/ website?

If not, is there a workaround like an elegante way to embed the whole airtable app into another website?

Thank you!

You can create a shared view that will give you the option to embed a non-editable view of the table in your site.

Embedding Interfaces into a website would be extremely useful. In my use case we’d be able to allow clients to see live updates on each of their projects in a more user-friendly interface than just a filtered records view.

I want to add a +1 to this request!

Do you have some news about this feature because we are all waiting for it

Do you have some news about this feature because we are all waiting for it

Any word from Airtable on this? We can certainly use this feature!

I too would love to be able to do this. I know how to, and frequently do, embed a table or view into a site, but for some items we want to share with the public, a mere summary would be useful, and that seems best built using an interface.

+1. Not having this feature takes away almost all the value of interfaces.

This is a must have feature! Don’t know how it is not possible yet.

+1 here would unlock some powerful use cases

+1 would be awesome to have this

+1 this would allow me to embed interfaces in client portals.

  • 1 - anyone has a work around ?

+1 - I’d love this feature to allow us to embed Interfaces on our team’s intranet

+1 this is a must-have for us.

absolute must-have feature…

Come on Airtable. This should’ve been on the roadmap for the Interface long ago. It kind of defeats the purpose of having it if the only way to view is through a link

I agree! Very Important. Much needed!

+1 That’s the reason why I don’t use the Airtable yet. It would be very helpful to embed the interfaces in our websites and grant our clients to different modes, e.g. full edit mode (without required Airtable account). It should be as easy as the current form sharing.

Hi, some news about this topic?

Hello sir,

I was asking the same question 2022-08-17 and was getting a email replay from Airtable support. It is not possible to embed Airtable interface for the moment, but their staff is working on it so it may be possible soon 🙂.

Best regards

Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm

+1 this is a must-have

+1 waiting…

100% helpfull feature

+1 this would be really useful

another +1 - can’t wait for embedded interfaces!

+1 this would take Airtable to an entirely new level.
