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Is there a way in interface designer to make a GRID VIEW that is GROUPED have certain fields that are auto collapsed?


  • I have all my tasks grouped by Complete vs Incomplete, Then by “responsible party”. every time I open my project, I see ALL TASKS. I want to have access to quickly view what is completed which is why I don’t filter it out altogether. But I want it to show up with the completed tasks group being collapsed as a default.

+1 for this feature request. I’d also love the ability to make certain groups collapsed and others expanded and save those pre-sets as the default whenever opening that view.

+1 for this feature request. I’d also love the ability to make certain groups collapsed and others expanded and save those pre-sets as the default whenever opening that view.

This would be a super helpful feature! 

There should be 2 features for this

1) have a default setting for the owner to create

2) allow the user the option to expand or collapse all

+++++++++ That would be awesome ! 

Yes please!  Although easy workaround here

Yes please!  Although easy workaround here

Workaround is for Lists, I believe the original post is for Grids.
