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Hi everyone,

An interesting Restriction / Bug I've found but unsure if anyone can help?

I have a basic list view that lists Tasks, with associated Subtasks as drop downs by using the 'Levels' setup.

With this basic, 2 level setup I now can't Group my Tasks by Status?  Anything I add in the 'Group' option on the right (no matter where I have selected on the window) only affects the Subtasks that are nested, not the parent Task

Any ideas?


This looks like a limitation.

Grouping appears to only apply to the bottom most level of a Hierarchy list.
I tested by changing the source to be a higher level and still the grouping only applied to the lowest level.

In comparison to Sorting

  • Outside of the Design Editor you can only sort/filter on the source data. Grouping still applies to the lowest level
  • Inside the Design Editor you can define what you sort because it gives you the option to manually choose the level you want to apply the sort rule. Grouping does not have the same functionality.

I looked for documentation and couldn't find anything describing this limitation and I noticed a lacking of documentation surrounds lists/levels in general compared to other Interface Elements/Layouts. So maybe if you reached out to support you could confirm 100% if this is accurate or not.


@Glen_Bayless - I think you're right.  In order to get this to work, I think the only way would be to create another table with 'top level' statuses... Thanks for your input!


