Your best bet is to either use the old form view, or to use Fillout’s advanced forms for Airtable, which lets you update records from a form with no prefilling at all.
There is some sort of a bug in Airtable that prevents the prefilling of linked records in interface forms.
If I remember correctly, if you have certain rules set on your linked record field (in the right margin of the interface form editing screen), then you are no longer able to prefill the form through the URL.
So try removing all the rules in the right margin, and see if that fixes the problem.
If you figure it out, be sure to email to report it as a bug.
Otherwise, you can either go back to the old forms, or you can update records through a form — without needing to specify any prefill values at all — by using Fillout's advanced forms for Airtable.
Fillout is 100% free an advanced form replacement for Airtable that offers dozens of features that Airtable’s native forms don’t offer, including dynamic linked record filters (i.e. dynamic dropdown selections), the ability to update Airtable records from a form without prefilling, the ability to accept payments on forms, the ability to have multi-page forms with conditional paths, the ability to create new linked records on a form, the ability to display Airtable lookup fields & Airtable rollup fields & Airtable attachments & formulas on forms, visually displaying as many fields as you want to see in a linked record selection list (including attachment fields), limiting the number of linked records that can be chosen, and much more.
I give a brief demonstration of Fillout on this episode of the BuiltOnAir Podcast:
Hope this helps! If you’d like to hire an expert Airtable consultant to help you with anything Airtable-related, please feel free to contact me through my website: Airtable consultant — ScottWorld
Hmm, I just tested this and it works fine. Here's an example:
Link to base
Could you provide some examples of the full URL you've created that's not working?
Hmm, I just tested this and it works fine. Here's an example:
Link to base
Could you provide some examples of the full URL you've created that's not working?
Hi Adam @TheTimeSavingCo - following up on this since there seem to be many people with this issue. I was able to get mine to work and then it stopped working. I see yours does work. I looked at your base as well.
Can you also share your formula for comparison? Thanks!
Hi Adam @TheTimeSavingCo - following up on this since there seem to be many people with this issue. I was able to get mine to work and then it stopped working. I see yours does work. I looked at your base as well.
Can you also share your formula for comparison? Thanks!
Ah, it's just `record_id()`
I was able to get it to work but the issue is that you have to click the reset button to get the values to populate. This is not acceptable to do for my employees workflows. Is Airtable working on this?
I was able to get it to work but the issue is that you have to click the reset button to get the values to populate. This is not acceptable to do for my employees workflows. Is Airtable working on this?
Hate to +1 but yeah I'm running into this issue now too.
Hi everyone!
To help you get more out of Airtable, at miniExtensions, we've built a versatile third-party form. Our form can prefill hidden fields without including them in the form structure or the URL itself. Additionally, we provide the option to automatically submit the form after pre-filling, streamlining the process further.
To take this even further, you can create unique URLs for existing records, which can act as a foundation for generating new forms. These pre-filled forms allow you to edit the fields while maintaining reusable sets of pre-filled data that can be used as templates.

As you can see above, the URL only requires the record ID to prefill the whole form.